Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday morning storm

Dean Martin, Let it snow...
     We woke to 35-40 mph wind gusts, then almost immediately, the skies opened and it has been pouring down rain ever since. A wonderful day to stay indoors. Even Gracie, our beloved and most independently spirited cat, insists upon coming indoors on days like this. She went out, got drenched, shook off her coat, and demanded that she come back inside and is now characteristically staring out the master bedroom window at the storm while Abby watches on bemusedly at her pacing and staring out the window and Gus ignores it all by sleeping.
Jeff has already cheffed up a hearty Sunday breakfast that befits a stormy day like today; leftover sirloin steak, country fried potatoes w/eggs over medium and French roast coffee. 
Laundry is getting underway. I have to begin gathering things to take on vacation, bring out suitcases, etcetera.
Jeff has put on a fresh pot of coffee for us to enjoy. The wind temporarily knocked the satellite off, it's back on now. My neighbor, across the street, oaktree has lost branches and are now littering the center of the street. It's pretty brutal out there. It's raining so hard that the ground is unable to soak up the water. Our front walkway is covered with water from both flower beds. So glad yesterday's shopping is over and we don't need to go outdoors...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Foodies R US

So, what do we like to do on get-away family vacations? Get plenty of face time with our adult children and grandchildren and EAT... food is a big part of our family whether we're on vacation, or just popping by to see one another.

I've created a Sutter Creek menu which is really fun as Jeff and Aims were professional cooks. Dave is killer and Erin and I can more than hold our own in the kitchen. It's all about talking recipes, food prep, presentation, sampling, interwoven with conversation. And a lot of laughter-- we have the best time! We have a really fun and adventurous family and we like and enjoy hanging out with each other.

Years ago, I began with a grocery list that contained whatever it was we would be eating... whether it was camping, or whatever, as a reminder to me what to take w/us. This evolved to meal menus as the family grew, married and grandchildren began arriving.

This time around Dave is in charge of appetizers and will be bringing his deep fryer and making his infamous apple pie (per my birthday request). Erin is in charge of the wine and preparing her to-die-for sweet potatoes recipe. Jeff will be cheffing up his signature Denver omlette. 

We arrive Monday... so let's begin there
Antipasto platter
Shrimp w/marinara cocktail sauce
Caesar salad
Cheesy bread sticks (curtesy of Pizza Plus)
Dessert: Pumpkin praline cheesecake
Assorted cookie tray: Classic shortbread, fudge stripped shortbread, gingerbread men, coconut waffers, butterscotch oatmeal, cranberry w/white chocolate chunks.
Hershey chocolate mint candy canes
Port wine

Tuesday breakfast:  My birthday
Bloody Mary's
Creamers: Half n Half, Amaretto, Peppermint Mocha
Denver omelettte
toasted French bread w/raspberry or black current preserves

Lunch appetizers:
Deep fried  (and breaded) mozzerella cheese sticks
  "        "              "                tempura battered zucchini
  "        "              "                tempura battered calamari
  "        "                               tempura battered mushrooms
Aisan Infused Humas/crackers

kids appetizer platter:
Cheesy nachos
7-Up (cherries optional)

Mid-afternoon luncheon:
Mashed potoes/gravy
Sweet potatoes
Cranberry sauce
Baby peas w/pearl onions
Dinner rolls/butter

Apple pie

Turkey sandwiches
Chips optional

Wednesday Breakfast:
Coffee w/assorted creamers
Linguicia sauteed in wine
Cottage cheese w/ fresh fruit: Pineapple, kiwi, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries
Ottis Spunkmeyer muffins: Chocolate, Banana Nut and Blueberries

By reviewing my menu I never leave anything behind or wonder what I may be forgetting. It's foolproof...

Speaking of food-- it's time for me to get dinner started...