Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday morning storm

Dean Martin, Let it snow...
     We woke to 35-40 mph wind gusts, then almost immediately, the skies opened and it has been pouring down rain ever since. A wonderful day to stay indoors. Even Gracie, our beloved and most independently spirited cat, insists upon coming indoors on days like this. She went out, got drenched, shook off her coat, and demanded that she come back inside and is now characteristically staring out the master bedroom window at the storm while Abby watches on bemusedly at her pacing and staring out the window and Gus ignores it all by sleeping.
Jeff has already cheffed up a hearty Sunday breakfast that befits a stormy day like today; leftover sirloin steak, country fried potatoes w/eggs over medium and French roast coffee. 
Laundry is getting underway. I have to begin gathering things to take on vacation, bring out suitcases, etcetera.
Jeff has put on a fresh pot of coffee for us to enjoy. The wind temporarily knocked the satellite off, it's back on now. My neighbor, across the street, oaktree has lost branches and are now littering the center of the street. It's pretty brutal out there. It's raining so hard that the ground is unable to soak up the water. Our front walkway is covered with water from both flower beds. So glad yesterday's shopping is over and we don't need to go outdoors...


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