Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday Morning Happenings

                                                                Chocolate Shake, Duke Ellington

It's an overcast Saturday morning with a predicted forecast of 30% chance of rain. The energy is palpable and envirgorating as I found out while I fed the outdoor gang- a wonderful start to the day... Jeff has long since left for work.
So, far this morning I've listened to Swing while sipping coffee and watching the indoor gang play tag until they've exhausted themselves and are now scattered about the living room like discarded ribbons of furr thrown onto chairs, sofa, hardwood floor, ottman and their new fav next to my laptop on the oak dining table.

                                                                     Autumn & Gus

Talked with Amanda this AM, who made me laugh when she said, Landie had suggested they drive up to Bear Valley for a morning run, then afterwards, take the boat out on the Delta. because that would be a perfect day. Amanda counter suggested perhaps just taking the boat out on the Delta would equal a perfect day. Amanda laughed and asked where does she get these ideas?  The answer would be: Landie's 6.

                                                          Landie getting a manicure, yesterday...

So, not quite up to Landie's energy level, after all, it's only 9:30 in the AM, I have to slowly gear up to that speed. I plan on scoping out my DVR, seeing what programs I have recorded, watch. Read: About Alice, will talk about this later. Maybe watch a movie or two and just see what develops in my day. Whatever your plans are I hope you have a wonderful Saturday....


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