Sunday, January 15, 2012

MLK holiday weekend goals

Most of the items on my weekend "to do" list have been checked off. The biggest item to be crossed off was finishing our front flower beds that border the front walkway. The earth has been rototilled, weeded, smoothed over and shrubbery has been planted and the tan bark has been spread out. It looks so amazingly better... When we moved in a few years back this perfect little 1956 mid-century home had mature landscaping. The problem was that the landscaping was 50+ years old. No sooner had we moved in than my favorite trees and shrubbery were dying or needed to be removed upon closer inspection. 
Aims and Sammy removed the ancient cypress bushes that had grown into trees that stood as sentinels on either side of the bowler bay window. Then Jeff removed an overgrown evergreen tree in front of the master bedroom windows. Plus, another small tree long dead, and a crepe myrtle had to be removed that was in front of the porch. Out also came the aged butterfly bush.
Then began my sciatica/knee prob... so since summer it's looked like Morticia Addams was the mistress of the landscaping. Everything near the front of the house had been pulled out...
The next step, after surgery and recovery will be painting the exterior of the house which should pull everything together nicely.  At the moment the exterior is what I would call 1950's seasick green. It's okay, but the color makes me crazed. We'll be changing it to a classic gray (on the shingles) and garage area. The trim and porch will remain white, the shutters and front door will be painted black, the brick surrounding the bowler bay window will remain natural.
There are still metal trellis' to put up and climbing roses, etc. to be added, but we're getting there and it's a great feeling of accomplishment (mentally). Physically, I'm like a 90-year old woman, but that's momentary. Spring will bring good things.
It all begins tomorrow... a busy morning is planned. Jeff will help me kitten herd in the AM as they have spay-neuter appointments. I will drop them off at the Vet, then drop myself off at the hospital for at CT scan, pick them up and spend the afternoon crossing off the few things that remain on my list.

                          You'd be so Nice to Come Home to, Dianne Schurr, Ray Charles

I love this song. I've always envisioned the lyrics as literally a house to come home to... What can I say?


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