Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Stormy Weekend

has arrived in the California Mother Lode... a few days later than predicted.  Woke to heavy rainfall and 40 mph wind gusts slamming into the master bedroom windows.

                                             Rider's of The Storm, Snoop Dogg w/ The Doors remix

We finished our landscaping project last weekend. My facebook posting read: 3 weekends, 1 rototiller, 22 bags of tan bark, 2 spruce topiary's, 6 shrubs, 1 small bottle of alieve and many g's later... the front walkway flower border is completed. Just in time for this weekend's storm front to arrive. 
Rewinding 7 days: Last weekend was one of those lovely holiday weekends that we long for after they've past and left us with good memories to look back on. 
Saturday temps were in the upper 60's, clear blue skies, warm sunshine. It began with an appointment with my hair stylist. I took pics of the manicure/pedicure area and shop front to share with you (as I love the boho style).

After my hair appointment I arrived home, changed clothing, went outdoors and spread out more tan bark completing the front walkway area in front of the bowler bay window.
Thoroughly wiped out I decided to decadently spend the rest of the afternoon catching up with my DVR on fav shows: Pioneer Woman, Blue Bloods and The Good Wife.
Finished reading, Jack Kennedy, Elusive Hero-- a really good read by Chris Matthews.
Sunday found Jeff and I back at it... laying out the remaining tan bark, planting shrubbery and topiarys in the flower border in front of the master bedroom.
So, Renee... here is a collection of pics from beginning to end. And then just for you a pic of what the house looked liked when we purchased it and what it looks like now. I love before and after photos because you can see the improvement that you lose sight of when you're in the middle of the landscaping project.



The spruce topiarys will grow up to 5' and spread out to 3'5" or so, in about 2 years. The first phase of the walkway is finished, Now the second phase of it can begin in the upcoming weeks and months ahead... stay tuned. Such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment!
Today's storm is continuing to rage with high mile per hour wind gusts, poor Jeff is working out in the elements today. It's a good day to stay indoors. A day to catch up on more DVR recordings, hunker down with a good book. Of course, this is after I tackle the master bedroom (the one thing that didn't get crossed off of my last weekend to do list). 

One of the greats and one of my favs, Etta James, passed away yesterday at age 73.

Beyonce as Etta James in Cadillac Records

                                            Cry Me a River, from 'Blue Gardenia' cd, Etta James


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