Thursday, April 12, 2012

A rainy day, a good book and family photos

                                                                        Black Coffee, kd lang

A rainy Thursday morning. The storm is expected to continue until this weekend-- a good thing I don't have any plans to go anywhere this week.
Baby Atticus escaped 3 times during the night. Mind you he fits inside the palm of my hand and is almost a week ago, but a very active 1-week old kitten is he... He has a very comfy box lined with bedding that is inside a very large kennel. The prob is the box had to handle holes for carrying holds at the bottom while the kennel is wire tubing- Master Atticus is so small he effortlessy slips right through and could roam where he wanted-- notice the term is past tense?
He is so funny because even though he was on the move, once he was out of his kitten box he was completely out of his comfort zone and would bellow out (he has a VERY loud meow for such a small person. I'M OUT, I'M OUT... PUT ME BACK, PUT ME BACK! seemed to be he plea, to which I willingly obliged. Then he would crawl onto his heating pad/linens and fall instantly back to sleep. Wild boy.

                                                                                Atticus Finch

So, while Atticus is back on his morning schedule of sleeping and eating I am somewhat dragging behind, a bit...  after another cup of coffee I should be fine.
Today, I'll be working on my family albums via Shutterfly-- love them! I have tons of family photo albums, but having grandchildren about, makes learning about their family so much more fun when it's in book form. and within easy reach. 
Later today, Jeff is hauling out of the master bedroom a french-styled, cabriolet legged bookcase that will go into the foyer/hallway entry to be accessible for our grandchildren when they visit and want to learn about our family history and remember family gatherings, etc.
I also plan on reading a new book I received from Amazon entitled Mary's Mosaic, The CIA conspiracy to murder JFK, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and their vision for world peace.
An unsolved murder mysery that I have long been fascinated by... here's what the front and back covers say about the story:
Who really murdered Mary Pinchot Meyer in the fall of 1964? Why was there a mad rush by CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton to immediately locate and confiscate her diary? What in that diary was so explosive and revealing?
Had Mary Meyer finally put together the intricate pieces of a bewildering, conspiratorial mosaic of information that revealed a plan to assassinate her lover, President Kennedy, with the trail ultimately ending at the doorstep of the Central intelligence Agency? And was it mere coincidence that Mary Meyer was killed less than three weeks after the release of the Warren Commission report?
Based on years of painstaking research and interviews, much of it revealed here for the first time, author Peter Janey traces some of the most important e vents and influences in the life of Mary Pinchot Meyer-- including her first meeting with JFK at the Choate School during the winter of 1936, her explorations with psychedelic drugs, and finally how she supported her secret lover, the president of the United States, as he turned away from the Cold War toward the pursuit of world peace. As we approach the fiftieth anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination--and Mary Meyer's-- this volume adds to our understanding of both.
The author knew the Meyer family intimately, as his own father was career CIA and close friends with Richard helms, James Angleton, and Mary's husband, Cord Meyer. Haunted by Mary Meyer's murder for more than forty-five years, Janney has finally answered the questions surrounding it, and in doing so, he has perhaps solved Washington's most famous unsolved murder. As the author's journey reveals a conspiracy reaching up to the highest levels of our government, the final truth of what really happened to Mary hits shockingly close to home.


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