Saturday, December 17, 2011

Run, Run Rudolph

                                              What Child Is This? Andrea Bocelli, Mary J. Bilge

OMG! It's the holiday season. How did it get here so quickly? This year for the first year in ages I am running behind schedule. I always have my Christmas shopping done by the end of July, always... and yet, not so much this year. In fact, not at all. But, I have discovered really cool and wonderful gifts for everyone. I have gotten ALL of my Christmas shopping done this week.
I was up early with Jeff before he toddled off to work wrapping and bagging gifts so that I can spend the rest of my day blogging and movie making, the laundry and NOT so fun weekend household chores have been done.
Well, almost all.  I've been going through closets, drawers and closet shelves gathering up clothing to donate. I wanted to make sure I got them all. So, I have heaps (and I mean heaps) of clothing in my writing room. I thought what a good spot to put these items. Along with other accessory items I want to get rid of. Jeff arrives home last night and cheerfully announces that he called Comcast and they will be out Sunday (tomorrow) to hardwire the DSL. This is exciting... the drawback, everything I've heaped is in the room where they will be hardwiring and exactly where they need to be to hardwired! Seriously???
PM: Continuing where I left off... Jeff arrived home and he took over the room and it's looking pretty sharp. I had sorted through and bagged clothing to be donated, et al. Mission accomplished!
Before Jeff arrived home I spent the afternoon running through the house like a crazed reindeer on fire... alternating between laundering clothes, watching The Good Wife on our DVR and reading. Just began a new book that I've been wanting to read for several months, How Shall I Tell The Dog? and other final musings, written by Miles Kington, the prolific and celebrated British humor writer, who joined the staff of Punch in 1967 at the age of 26 later becoming it's Literary Editor. In 1981, he began writing a column in the London Times, and six years later joined The Independent, where he wrote a daily column for the next 22 years. The last column he wrote appeared on the day of his death from pancreatic cancer. This book is a humorous collection of ficticious letters to his agent. A really wonderful read... upbeat and funny. Who knew cancer could make you laugh?

Last Saturday my fav girls; Erin, Amanda, Emma, Landie and I celebrated my birthday at Grounds in Murphys- it was really a lot of fun.  While waiting for Erin and Emma I popped in next door to girlfriend Susan's bookstore and browsed about.  Amanda and Landie were attending a holiday craft fair at Landie's school. Sitting with Erin and Emma she sang (Lady Gaga's) paparazzi lyrics to me.  And, following in the tradition of The Elf On The Shelf, she told me about letters containing pertinent questions to Santa that she has been writing as she needs answers. Inquiring minds wanna know. Amanda and Landie arrived. Landie wearing the new scarf she had created for herself at the fair- which was very cool, actually Here's a look at our day:  

After the park Erin and Emma were headed to 1 of 2 birthday parties that Emma was attending. I followed Amanda and Landie back to Copper where we hung out and took pics before I left for home about an hour or so later.

                                                     Landie & Cricket

                     Landie pulling out the sold sign on my property. She then dragged it out of sight.

                                                      Sam & Cammanche

                Landie had dragged the sign to the Chicken coop. It was hilarious! Have it on video.


                                                   Brownie, Amanda's hen.

                                                Leaving Copper on Little John.

                                              The new Copper Town Square.


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