Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can you super-size that sherbert, to go?

Saturday has dawned annoucing the arrival of tomorrow's predicted storm front with a vanilla ice colored sky and light breeze.
I was able to sleep longer through last night's interval of waking to take pain meds and do exercise stretches and find somewhat comfortable positions to fall back to sleep in.
My home health RN arrived this morning to fill out the in-take paperwork. She, too, has never seen vac machines applied to knees and was intrigued . She advised me to call my surgeon's office tomorrow to get wound care instructions and an anti-nausea RX to stop my ongoing nausea. 
I was able to keep down the small dinner portion of Aims corned beef casserole. But mostly, I've been consisting on berry and orange flavored sherberts. A little here, a little there. Monday, Home Health will draw lab work that will be ready for my Thursday follow-up office visit. Physical Therapy will also be coming out to the house. Home Health said I'm way ahead of the game, whatever that means... I guess this would be in regards to my mobility to move as well as I do.
One thing was cleared up today. My left knee, which had been the best knee has since su rgery become my worst and I couldn't quite figure out why... until today. As the RN was checking for swelling we both discovered (visualise a salsa sized inverted bowl placed to the left of your left knee) a bruised area, actually it is very round and very black- this makes sense now, And, I am beginning to itch- which means I am healing. SO, it's all good.
Jeff was about to leave for the market when I encouraged him to also stop and see his mom and to enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation while he's at her house. Everyone tends to forget how very important it is for care providers to get a respite. While Jeff is what I call my beck n call boy extraordinare he also needs to get out and recharge and remember he has an independent life.
I've got everything I need bedside; phones, laptop, books/magazines, word search puzzles, etc.
I'm good to go...

                                                  SATURDAY AFTERNOON JAZZ

                                                       Boy From Ipanema, Diana Krall


At March 24, 2012 at 9:56 PM , Anonymous jeffrey said...

Seriously making progress. You're headin' for the medical journals, I tell ya. As for me, I'm a fetchin' young man, ain't I?

At March 24, 2012 at 9:59 PM , Anonymous jeffrey said...

Hey, it's called 'vernacular', dang it. I really can write English with the best of them. (Unless they're Hemingway or something.)

At March 30, 2012 at 12:18 PM , Blogger c_wildswan said...

Yes, my darling... you do fetch with the best of them, I wonder how Anna Chan feels about this? lol...


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