Saturday solitude
A perfect pre-autumnal Saturday. Jeff was on his way out the door when I woke to wish him a good day before he tooled off to work.
Wandering out into the kitchen, I poured a tall glass of iced water, adding a slice of lemon before closing shut the fridge door. The indoor gang followed me back into the master bedroom where a lovely rain-scented breeze was coming in from the open windows greeted us. Plumping up the pillows, gathering the remotes and book (reading Jackie as Editor), shaking out my fav plush lap blanket before throwing it on top of my heating pad, then lying down and turning on the TV-- the indoor gang were already lazily stretching out and yawning before curling up for their morning nap. Really, guys?
Channel surfed, ending up at CNN where they were describing the heightened security alert in D.C. and New York in response to a credible terriorst threat over the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Then switched over to my DVR and turned on Sarah Richardson's, Design, Inc. Alternating, between reading, watching television and dozing on/off throughout the morning. Who knew it was so easy to become part of the indoor gang?
Although, the napping part of it is largly created by the anti-inflams and pain meds. I've never taken anti-inflams that were so regimented; breakfast, lunch, dinner, before bed. But, then neither have I ever had sciatica issues.
Jeff called to make sure I was resting. Usually, at the end of my convalecense, I'm pretty much back into my grove, not so much this time. I can't lift 15 lbs or over, so that pretty much cuts down on my walking through the house, picking things up as I walk through rooms. I just walk staight ahead, not looking at the surrounding disaster that has occured in the the last week or so in the living and dining rooms.
It's time for a late lunch and afternoon nap. The weather feels like more rain is on the way. A soft breeze is blowing, carrying with it the sounds of dried rustling leaves. I should be asleep in no time....
... blissful solitude.
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